Mediolanum Corporate Site:  Italiano   English


The Mediolanum Group discloses FY 2002 Preliminary Results

Total net inflows positive: 3,000 million Euro
Gross premiums written: 2,133 million Euro
Consolidated assets under administration: 20,783 million Euro

The Mediolanum Group closed 2002 with very satisfying results particularly considering the strong slow-down of the world economy.
Consolidated Assets under Administration, despite the negative trend of the stock market which depreciated by 33% during the same period, reached 20,783 million Euro, -1% (20,920 million Euro as at December 31, 2001).

The following volumes were registered with respect to Italy:
* These are preliminary figures and could be subject to minor variations

Milan, January 16, 2003

Download: Mediolanum Preliminary Figures Table FY 2002
Download: Net Inflows into Mutual Funds 2001-2002

Last update: 16 January 2003 -15:00