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Net Inflows/NAV from mutual funds as at October 2001

Net Inflows/NAV from mutual funds as at October 2001

Mediolanum announces that due to a technical error the information reported by Assogestioni regarding the Group´s asset management companies Net Asset Value as at October 31, 2001 was not correct.
The Net Asset Value of Mediolanum Gestione Fondi SGR was at 2,005 million Euro and not at 1,035.5 million Euro as was communicated by Assogestioni.
The correct total Net Asset Value of the Mediolanum Group amounted to 8,729.7 million Euro and not 7,760.2 million Euro.
Along the same lines, the net inflows for the month for Mediolanum Gestione Fondi SGR were -7 million Euro rather than -3.6 million Euro.
The total net inflows into mutual funds of Mediolanum amount to 138.8 million Euro and not 142.2 million Euro.
Milan, November 7, 2001

Last update: November 7, 2001 - 15:00