Mediolanum Corporate Site:  Italiano   English

1.57 p.m.

Press Release

Notice to the Bank of Italy of initiation of procedure to register with the banking groups registry

The board of Directors of Mediolanum S.p.A. met in Basiglio today and

- having acknowledged the coming into force of the regulation on the inclusion
of a Mixed Financial Holding Company – as Mediolanum S.p.A. – in the realm
of banking groups;
- as well as the subsequent notice sent by the Bank of Italy;

resolved to notify the Bank of Italy of having initiated the procedure to register
with the registry of banking groups as holding company and delegated the
necessary powers to executive directors.

Basiglio, Milano 3, May 28, 2014

Media Relations
Rosamaria Salatino
Tel +39 02 9049 2027

Investor Relations
Alessandra Lanzone
Tel +39 02 9049 2039