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The Mediolanum Group discloses First 9M 2003 Preliminary Results

Consolidated assets under administration: 22,721 million euro, +13%
Total consolidated net inflows: positive at 1,823 million euro
Assets under administration Italy: 19,060 million euro, +11%
Net inflows Italy: positive 1,347 million euro

The Mediolanum Group achieved completely satisfying results in the first nine months of 2003 in terms of inflows and assets, thanks to a solid third quarter.

Total Consolidated Assets grew by 13% compared to September 30, 2002, reaching 22,721 million euro.

Consolidated total Net Inflows, including life insurance, mutual funds and managed accounts, and direct and indirect inflows of the bank were positive at 1,823 million euro.

Inflows into managed savings totalled 1,562 million euro, +2% compared to the same period last year. An important contribution was added by Banca Esperia with 246 million euro (Mediolanum's share) and by Spain with 86 million euro. It should be noted that consolidated net inflows into managed savings registered 485 million euro in the third quarter (+46% with respect to the same period last year).

With reference to Italy, the following volumes were registered:

With reference to Spain, the more developed of the New Ventures abroad, the following volumes are to be noted:

For complete details, see attached Mediolanum 9M 2003 Preliminary Figures Tablez

*These data are preliminary and are subject to variation.

Milan, October 16, 2003

Download: Mediolanum Preliminary Figures Table 9M 2003

Last update: October 16, 2003 - 12:30