Mediolanum Corporate Site:  Italiano   English

13.26 p.m.

Press Release

Stock-Option Plan Resolutions

In a meeting held today, the Company’s Board of Directors (after consultation with the Compensation Committee) under the powers conferred by the ordinary and extraordinary meeting of shareholders on 27 April 2010, resolved upon, inter alia:
This press release is drafted pursuant to Article 84-bis, paragraph 5, of the Issuer Regulations. For all matters not expressly provided for herein, including any additional information pursuant to Annex 3A, Schedule 7 of the Issuer Regulations, please refer to the Information Documents and the relevant tables enclosed, which will be updated in light of today's resolutions and will be timely made available on the website

Basiglio, Milano 3, 8 July 2010

Media Relations
Roberto Scippa
Tel +39 02 9049 2902
Fax +39 02 9049 2345

Investor Relations
Alessandra Lanzone
Tel +39 02 9049 2039