Deposits Deposits are the amount of payments made by subscribers to a fund. Depository Bank The bank which carries out fund management control, and carries out a custodian role over stocks and the liquid availability of the fund. It also checks compliance of operations carried out by the fund with current laws and fund regulations. Depreciation Division of the value of an asset into a set period of time. Costs to be depreciated are defined as those which are yet to be attributed to the income of the financial period, depreciated costs as those already attributed to the income of the financial period over the years, depreciation quotas as the quotas attributed to each financial period – usually a year – and the depreciation base as the sum of the depreciation quotas. Directors’ Report Document drawn up by the directors aimed principally at providing a true representation of the company's position, and the trend of the business overall and in the various sectors in which it operates. This includes subsidiary companies with particular reference to costs, income and investments. The report must show the strategies followed, the main operations completed during the financial period (investments made) and the important events that took place subsequent to the financial period, as well as how any business in progress may develop. Diversification Strategy aimed at reducing exposure to risk through investing in different securities to ensure greater stability. Dividend The amount distributed to shareholders by the company at the end of a financial accounting period, by way of remuneration for capital invested. Dividend per share (DPS) The size of the dividend issued in relation to the number of shares held. Dollar Cost Average The constant averaging of the purchase price of shares, thereby reducing the risk of buying at the highest price. |