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Home   Media Relations   Press Articles   2010   February

February 2010

March, 2010
Family Banker: opportunities and career

Advisor_marzo_2010.pdf (485 kB)
Il Secolo XIX
Financial automony: goal of the future
The bank always on the customer’s side
Freedom: much more than a checking account.

Il_Secolo_XIX_27febbr10.pdf (581 kB)

Quotidiano Nazionale
Objective: financial autonomy
"Imagine your future and be a winner"
The bank always on the customer’s side

QN_27febbr10.pdf (1,08 MB)

Milano Finanza
Family Banker: opportunities and career
The bank always on the customer’s side

Milano_Finanza_27febbr10.pdf (488 kB)
Bloomberg Borsa & Finanza
Family Banker: opportunities and career
The bank always on the customer’s side

Borsa_e_Finanza_27febbr10.pdf (492 kB)
Giornale di Brescia
Objective: financial autonomy
Profession Family Banker. Opportunities and career
The bank always on the customer’s side

Giornale_di_Brescia_26febbr10.pdf (635 kB)

L’Eco di Bergamo
Financial automony: goal of the future
The bank always on the customer’s side
Freedom: much more than a checking account

Eco_di_Bergamo_26febbr10.pdf (595 kB)

Gazzetta di Parma
Financial automony: goal of the future
Profession Family Banker. Opportunities and career
The bank always on the customer’s side

Gazzetta_di_Parma_26febbr10.pdf (593 kB)

Il Mondo
Objective: financial autonomy

Il_Mondo_26febbr10.pdf (412 kB)

Financial automony: goal of the future

Panorama_26febbr10.pdf (405 kB)

La Sicilia
Financial automony: goal of the future
Family Banker: opportunities and career
The bank always on the customer’s side

La_Sicilia_26febbr10.pdf (617 kB)

Gazzetta Del Sud
Objective: financial autonomy
Family Banker: opportunities and career
Freedom: much more than a checking account

Gazzetta_del_Sud_26febbr10.pdf (622 kB)

Giornale di Sicilia
Objective: financial autonomy
Family Banker: opportunities and career
The bank always on the customer’s side

Giornale_di_Sicilia_26febbr10.pdf (575 kB)

La Gazzetta del Mezzogiorno
Objective: financial autonomy
The bank always on the customer’s side
Freedom: much more than a checking account

La_Gazzetta_del_Mezzogiorno_26febbr10.pdf (560 kB)

Il Tempo
Objective: financial autonomy
The bank always on the customer’s side

Il_Tempo_26febbr10.pdf (606 kB)

La Stampa
  Objective: financial autonomy
Family Banker: opportunities and career
Freedom: much more than a checking account

La_Stampa_26febbr10.pdf (634 kB)

Il Giornale
Financial automony: goal of the future
Family Banker: opportunities and career
The bank always on the customer’s side

Il_Giornale_26febbr10.pdf (619 kB)

Il Sole 24 ore
Financial automony: goal of the future
Imagine your future and be a winner
Freedom: much more than a checking account

Il_Sole_24_Ore_26febbr10.pdf (593 kB)
Objective: financial autonomy

Economy_25febbr10.pdf (435 kB)

Il Foglio
Financial automony: goal of the future
The bank always on the customer’s side
Freedom: much more than a checking account

Il_Foglio_25febbr10.pdf (729 kB)
Objective: financial autonomy
Profession Family Banker. Opportunities and career
Freedom: much more than a checking account

Libero_24febbr10.pdf (621 kB)

Il Messaggero
Financial automony: goal of the futureo
The bank always on the customer’s side
A residential center from Mediolanum funding

Il_Messaggero_24febbr10.pdf (649 kB)

Il Mattino
Financial automony: goal of the future
Family Banker: opportunities and career
The bank always on the customer’s side

Il_Mattino_24febbr10.pdf (635 kB)

Il Gazzettino
Financial automony: goal of the future
"Imagine your future and be a winner"
A residential center from Mediolanum funding

Il_Gazzettino_24febbr10.pdf (1,12 MB)
Affari & Finanza
Financial automony: goal of the future
Family Banker: opportunities and career
The bank always on the customer’s side

Affari_e_Finanza_22febbr10.pdf (611 kB)

Financial autonomy is the future objective of all
Family Banker: opportunities and career
Freedom: much more than a checking account

CorrierEconomia_22febbr10.pdf (634 kB)

January February March April May June September October November December