October, 2010
Panorama |
Freedom current account: high returns and solidarity
Panorama_1ottobre10.pdf (1,43 MB) |
Il Mattino |
Freedom Account: high returns and solidarity
Value for customers and social commitment
"We can all grow together"
Il_Mattino_29sett10.pdf (572 kB) |
Il Messaggero |
"We can all grow together"
Freedom: remuneration and solidarity
Value for customers and commitment to the weak
Il_Messaggero_29sett10.pdf (587 kB) |
Il Gazzettino |
Freedom: remuneration and solidarity
We must all grow together
Value for customers and commitment to the weak
Il_Gazzettino_29sett10.pdf (1,6 MB) |
Libero |
High returns and solidarity
Value and social commitment
"We can all grow together"
Libero_29sett10.pdf (1,64 MB) |
Il Sole 24 Ore |
"We must all grow together"
Freedom current account: high returns and solidarity
With "Little Brother" meaningful action for a better future
Il_Sole24Ore_28sett10.pdf (1,44 MB) |
09/27/2010 |
Affari & Finanza |
Freedom Account: high returns and solidarity
Value for customers and commitment to the weak
Mediolanum Foundation: Meaningful action for a better future
Affari_Finanza_27sett10.pdf (1,7 MB) |
CorriereEconomia |
Freedom current account: high returns and solidarity
Value for customers and commitment to the weak
Mediolanum Foundation: Meaningful action for a better future
Corriere_Economia_27sett10.pdf (1,75 MB)
Borsa & Finanza |
"We must all grow together"
Freedom Account: high returns and solidarity
Borsa_Finanza_25sett10.pdf (1,46 MB) |
Milano Finanza |
The action: "We can all grow together"
Freedom: remuneration and solidarity
Value for customers and social commitment
Milano_Finanza_25sett10.pdf (1,53 MB) |
Il Secolo XIX |
Freedom Account: high returns and solidarity
Value for customers and social commitment
Mediolanum Foundation: Meaningful action for a better future
Il_Secolo_XIX_25sett10.pdf (1,32 MB)
Quotidiano Nazionale |
Freedom: remuneration and solidarity
Meaningful action for a better future
Tailored supplemental pension
QN_pt1_25sett10.pdf (1,54 MB)
QN_pt2_25sett10.pdf (1,54 MB) |
Gazzetta di Parma |
Freedom Account: high returns and solidarity
Value for customers and social commitment
Mediolanum Foundation: Meaningful action for a better future
Gazzetta_di_Parma_24sett10.pdf (1,05 MB)
Il Giornale di Brescia |
Freedom Account: high returns and solidarity
Value for customers and commitment to the weak
Giornale_di_Brescia_24sett10.pdf (1,32 MB) |
L'Eco di Bergamo |
Value for customers and commitment to the weak
Freedom Account: high returns and solidarity
Mediolanum Foundation: Meaningful action for a better future
Eco_di_Bergamo_24sett10.pdf (1,31 MB) |
La Sicilia |
Freedom Account: high returns and solidarity
Value for customers and commitment to the weak
Mediolanum Foundation: Meaningful action for a better future
La_Sicilia_24sett10.pdf (1,59 MB) |
Il Giornale di Sicilia |
High returns and solidarity
Il_Giornale_di_Sicilia_24sett10.pdf (1,75 MB) |
La Gazzetta del Sud |
Freedom Account: high returns and solidarity
Value for customers and commitment to the weak
Mediolanum Foundation: Meaningful action for a better future
La_Gazzetta_del_Sud_24sett10.pdf (1,40 MB) |
La Gazzetta del Mezzogiorno |
Freedom: remuneration and solidarity
Value for customers and commitment to the weak
Mediolanum Foundation: Meaningful action for a better future
La_Gazzetta_del_Mezzogiorno_24sett10.pdf (1,74 MB)
Il Tempo |
Freedom: remuneration and solidarity
Value and social commitment
"We can all grow together"
Il_Tempo_24sett10.pdf (1,72 MB)
La Stampa |
High returns and solidarity
Value for customers and commitment to the weak
Mediolanum Foundation: Meaningful action for a better future
La_Stampa_24sett10.pdf (1,73 MB)
Il Mondo |
Freedom: remuneration and solidarity
Il_Mondo_24sett10.pdf (292 kB)
Il Giornale |
Freedom Account: high returns and solidarity
Value for customers and commitment to the weak
Mediolanum Foundation: Meaningful action for a better future
Il_Giornale_24sett10.pdf (1,40 MB)
Il Foglio |
"We must all grow together"
Freedom current account: high returns and solidarity
Value for customers and social commitment
Il_Foglio_23sett10.pdf (1,54 MB)
Economy |
Freedom: remuneration and solidarity
Economy_23sett10.pdf (1,12 MB)