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For years the Mediolanum Group and Banca Mediolanum have sought to extend their presence to aspects of daily life not directly associated with financial matters. It therefore organizes and participates in various social, cultural and sporting events, proposing initiatives to help resolve those situations that require support.


Fondazione Mediolanum Onlus

Fondazione Mediolanum was formed in 2002 with the objective of promoting and developing solidarity projects to help the weak, particularly the disadvantaged children of the poorest countries.

As a financing entity, it has sustained dozens of progetti over the years of accredited charitable organizations.

In communication, the Foundation has focused especially on the Little Brother project, through which it has sustained fund raising on behalf of important projects for children. From 2005 to 2007, it collaborated with Amani to procure the resources necessary to build the Ndugu Mdogo House for the street children of Nairobi.
Since 2007, it has worked with the Fondazione Francesca Rava NPH Italia Onlus in healthcare initiatives (expectant mothers and pediatrics) and in building street schools for the children of Haiti

Fondazione Mediolanum has been listed with the Anagrafe Unica delle Onlus since 12 January 2012.